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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

Some charac teristics of the imag e of Rodrigo in the “Stanzas about the Death of his Fa ther” by Jorge Manrique

K. Yu. Timofeyeva
Price: 50 руб.
Jorge Manrique, the author of the famous “Stanzas about the Death of his Father”, is one
of the key figures of the Medieval Spanish literature. The article describes some aspects
of the image of Rodrigo Manrique, which contribute to the overall architectonics of the
“Stanzas…”. The poet constructs the figure of his father on a series of contrapositions
to the preceding text. These intense contrasts play an important role in the overall poetic
unity of the “Stanzas…”, for they define the inner dynamics of the text.
Key words: “Stanzas about the Death of his Father” by Jorge Manrique, Rodrigo
Manrique, topos “ubi sunt?”.
1. Salinas P. Jorge Manrique o tradición y originalidad. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1974. 218 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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