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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11, 2013

The image of successful retired people in a regional Tatar-language newspaper

I. A. Beltsova
Price: 50 руб.
The article reveals the peculiarities of representation of retired peoples’ success in the
“Vatanym Tatarstan” newspaper. The author points out the main practices of designing
the image of successful elderly people and analyses the context of values in which it is
created. Based on the obtained data, the newspaper is considered in terms of the quality of performing the main functions of the media.
Key words: success, image, elderly people, Tatar-language press.
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2. Vatanym Tatarstan. № 219. 2012, 3 noyabrya.
3. Gyimadova G. Biegәndә kartlyk chigenә // Vatanym Tatarstan. № 133. 2013. 14 avgusta.
4. Zәydulla R. Ak kaennyң kүkrәklәrendә... // Vatanym Tatarstan. № 130. 2013. 08 avgusta
5. Korban R. Kartayamyni soң yөrәk // Vatanym Tatarstan. №179. 2009. 2 sentyabrya.
6. Korban R. Kartaerga vakyty yuk // Vatanym Tatarstan. № 135. 2013. 17 avgusta.
7. Minkhaҗ R. Kaһarman babaylarybyznyң berse // Vatanym Tatarstan. № 52. 2009. 24 marta.
8. Moratova R. Tormysh kүnegүdәn bashlana // Vatanym Tatarstan. № 24. 2009. 10 fevralya.
9. Sәgadәt K. Dәu әnile өyneң tүre yam’le // Vatanym Tatarstan. 2009. 24 oktyabrya.
10. Khisametdinova G. Kanaty kaerylgannar үҗәt bulla // Vatanym Tatarstan. 2009. 4 marta.
11. Shakirova E. Miңa gaҗәplәnmәgez // Vatanym Tatarstan. 2009. 10 oktyabrya.
Price: 50 рублей
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