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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10, 2013

INTEGRATIVE COURSE AND CROSS-CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS (based on the example of the English language lesson “Borrowed words” in School 301, St. Petersburg)

Yu. V. Bitrikova, I. V. Kudentsova
Price: 50 руб.
 Everything that is mutually connected should be taught in the same connection (John Amos Comenius). Arrange all the things substantially connected with each other in your mind according to that very connection in which they really exist in nature (J. H. Pestalozzi). 
Key  words: integration, Russian, English. 
1.  Danilyuk A. Ya. Metamorfozy i perspektivy integratsii v obrazovanii // Pedagogika. 1998. № 2. 
2.  Zverev I. D., Maksimova V. N. Mezhpredmetnye svyazi v sovremennoy shkole. M.: Pedagogika, 1981. 
3.  Zverev I. D. Vzaimnaya svyaz' uchebnykh predmetov. M.: Pedagogika, 1977. 
4.  Vrazhe T. G. Integratsiya predmetov v sovremennoy shkole // Literatura v shkole. 1996. № 5. S. 150–154. 
Price: 50 рублей
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