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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9, 2013

Kno wledge as the main factor of economic growth

O. E. Malykh, A. R. Kayumova
Price: 50 руб.
The article reveals the essence and significance of knowledge as an economic resource. The distinctive features of knowledge compared to traditional resources are highlighted. The role of knowledge as the main factor of economic growth is shown.
Key words: knowledge economy, economic resources, production factors, intellectual
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5. Stepanova T. E., Manokhina N. V. Ekonomika, osnovannaya na znaniyakh. M.: Gardariki, 2008. 238 s.
6. Edward F. Denison. Trends in American Economic Growth 1929–1982, Washington, The Brookings Institution, 1985. p. 30.
7. Stewart T. A. Intellectual Capital. The New Wealth of Organizations. N.Y.L., 1997.
Price: 50 рублей
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