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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9, 2013


S. I. Kogan
Price: 50 руб.
Nowadays international relations are not only the privilege and exceptional competence of governmental authorities. New global community experiences increasing inflence of international and national non-governmental organisations on important political decisions. Activities of non-governmental organisations is an effctive supplement to the effrts of state diplomacy in the development of international cooperation. Thy reinforce an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. Positive attitude towards our country is being formed, its well-deserved reputation is being restored, mistrust and stereotypes are being dispelled thanks to the effrts of British non-governmental organisations, cultural centres advocating the development of cooperation with Russia.
Key words: cross-cultural dialogue of Russia and Great Britain, non-governmental
organisations, Russian cultural centers in Great Britain, Rossotrudnichestvo, Association for international cooperation, public diplomacy, Society for Cooperation in Russian and Soviet Studies, civil society.
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12. Sovremennaya obshchestvennaya diplomatiya: rossiyskoe izmerenie / pod obshch. red. F. M. Mukhametshina. M.: Belyi gorod, 2011. 240 s.
13. Sukharev A. Gumanitarnoe izmerenie vneshnepoliticheskoy deyatel’nosti: obshchestvennaya diplomatiya kak obshchestvennaya problema / A. Sukharev, A. Koren’kov // Bezopasnost’ Yevrazii Security&Eurasia № 1. M., 2008. 360 s.
14. Fond ACADEMIA ROSSICA. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http://academia-rossica.org.
15. Anholt S. Competitive Identity: Th New Brand Management for Nations, Cities and Regions / Simon Anholt. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 160 r.
16. Calvert 22 Foundation. [Elektronnyi katalog]. URL: http://calvert22.org/.
17. RUSSIAN ART AND CULTURE. [Elektronnyi katalog]. URL: http://russianartandculture.com.
18. Russian Teacher’s Group UK Annual conference. [Elektronnyi katalog]. URL: http://gbr.rs.gov.ru/en/node/1772.
19. Society for Cooperation in Russian and Soviet Studies / Information booklet. London: SCRSS.
20. Th fist meeting of a new board of Russian Community Council took place in the London Rossotrudnichestvo Representative offi. [Elektronnyi katalog]. URL: http:// http://gbr.rs.gov.ru/en/node/601.
Price: 50 рублей
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