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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2013


F. M. Arifullin
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the issue of conspiracies and the palace coup on the eve of the
February Revolution of 1917 in the works of S. P. Melgunov (1879–1956), the Russian
émigré community historian. The alignment of political forces in the country and their
behind-the-scenes activities are analysed. The author considers the abdication of Nicholas II, the ruin of the former power and the retention of the revolutionary situation in the country in S. P. Melgunov’s interpretation.
Key words: S. P. Melgunov, conspiracies and a palace coup, February Revolution of
1917, abdication of Nicholas II, Russian émigré community historian.
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8. Struve P. B. Razmyshleniya o russkoy revolyutsii. URL: www.Hrono.ru
9. Struve P. B. Dnevnik politika (1925–1935). M.; Parizh., 2004.
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Price: 50 рублей
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