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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8, 2013


E. L. Safronenkova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is concerned with the problem of cultural specifiity of academic text. As
cultural specifiity is generally agreed to be one of the characteristics of text, it is possible
to determine the instrument of translating culture into language. A cultural code is
considered to be such an instrument which acts as an intermediary between culture and
language. A cognitive process is known as the key element of scientifi search, which is
reflcted in the structure of academic text. Threfore, the intellectual style of thinking is
assumed to be a way of translating culture into academic text. Basing on these results, it
is possible to conclude that the intellectual style of thinking can act as a cultural code in
academic text.
Key words: cultural specifiity, cultural code, cognitive style of a scientist.
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Price: 50 рублей
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