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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7, 2013


R. O. Aselderova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper presents convincing arguments testifying that classifirs are historically
signifiant words. Thy are lexical units with primary meanings “homo”, “femina” and
“non homo”. In the pre-position to the word they serve as determinants with the general
meaning “man” or “woman”. The general meaning “man”, “woman” is concretised by a
determinatum in syntagmas like йа-с йа-чIана “a girl has come”; ва-с ва-чIана “a boy
has come”. It is the same for the neuter, for example ба-цI ба-чIана “a wolf has come”.
Key words: classifir, primary meaning, grammatisation of lexical meaning, historical
development, etymon.
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Price: 50 рублей
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