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"University Research Journal" № 2, 2012

Literary Text and Strategies of its Analysis. On the Text Complexity

I. A. Schirova
Price: 50 руб.
The notion of complexity is now becoming a vision-building and cognition-oriented roadmap since the world we live in is becoming increasingly complex, along with the scope of issues that the humankind needs to explore and evaluate. As a multi-dimensional, and thus, complex phenomenon, a literary text serves as a highly relevant object of study for a modern scholar, regardless of the traditional or synergetic approach being used for its analysis. The article represents a treatise on the complex
nature of a literary text. It explores strategies of textual analysis that imply inherent complexity of the text. It also analyzes anthropocentric approaches to complexity in the context of ethical values.
Keywords: complexity, literary text, modeling, interdisciplinary research, ethical maxim
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Price: 50 рублей
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