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"University Research Journal" № 2, 2012

Organization of Information and Semantics of the Text Field Through Code Systems

N. L. Shubina
Price: 50 руб.
The article explores functions of spatial and graphic organization of the text in shaping its semantic fi eld as a non-linear entity, the increase of its communicative effect, its potential to serve the writer’s communication and pragmatic objectives as well as the cognitive goals of the reader through the transformation of planar syntagmatics.
Keywords: text, information and graphic fi eld, metagraphemics, pragmatic potential
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8. Shubina N. L. Punktuatsiya v kommunikativno-pragmaticheskom aspekte i eyo mesto v semioticheskoy sisteme russkogo yazyka. SPb.:Izd-vo RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 1999. 298 s.
9. Shubina N. L., Antoshintseva M. A. Vspomogatel’nye semioticheskie sistemy v ustnoy i pis’mennoy kommunikatsii: monografi ya. SPb: PetroPress, 2005. 291 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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