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"University Research Journal" № 2, 2012

On the Role of the Humanitarian Knowledge in Information Society: Self-Restraint As an Instrument of Controlling the Rate of Growth

N. K. Okonskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The fourth global scientifi c revolution is validated by the need for a humanitarian reconstruction of the society by means of substantive reconstruction of the natural language. Self-restraint of participants’ limitless potential for global transformation is exercised through the increase of activities based on the power of moral values and
rationality of humankind.
Keywords: language, scientifi c revolution, self-restraint, communication,
moral values
1. Lakatos Imre. Proofs and Refutations. History of Science and its Rational Reconstructions (Lakatos I. Izbrannye proizvedeniya po fi losofi i i metodologii nauki / per. s angl. I. N. Veselovskogo, A. L. Nikiforova, V. N. Porusa. M.: Akademicheskiy Proekt; Triksta, 2008. 475 s. (Filosofskie tekhnologii: fi losofi ya).
2. Mosunova L. A. Struktura i razvitie smyslovogo ponimaniya khudozhestvennykh tekstov. M.: PER SE-Press, 2006. 336 s.
3. Porshnev B. F. O nachale chelovecheskoy istorii (Problemy paleopsikhologii). M.: Mysl’, 1974. 487 s.
4. Stepin V. S. Filosofi ya nauki. Obshchie problemy: uchebnik dlya aspirantov i soiskateley uchenoy stepeni kandidata nauk. M.: Gardariki, 2006. 384 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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