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"University Research Journal" № 2, 2012

Russian Historical Poetics and Modernism Discourse in German Philology (A Few Theses on Comparative Methodology)

A. I. Zherebin
Price: 50 руб.
The article is a comparative analysis of a tendency towards synthesizing history and theory of literature studies in Russia and Germany in the past two decades. In Russia such tendency fi nds its refl ection in the revival of A. N. Veselovsky’s «historical poetics», whereas in Germany it has emerged as an active development of a discourse on modernism. Both variations belong to the same tendency as one of the most lasting paradigms of an artistic vision. Researchers in both countries see their goal in achieving a hermeneutic synthesis, which would remove the contradiction between
the thesis about the non-differentiated history of world literature of the Veselovsky’s era, and its anti-thesis, i.e. a consistent differentiation of history and literature in the literary analysis of the 20th century.
Keywords: Literary analysis, comparative methods, historical poetics, artistic vision,
theoretical and historical synthesis, German studies in modernism
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Price: 50 рублей
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