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"University Research Journal" № 3, 2012

Does a Scholar Think in Nation-Specifi c Terms? Cognitive Style as a Monocultural Phenomenon

V. E. Chernyavskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article sets the following questions: Can the cognitive styles have national specifi city? And if the answer is positive, how markedly does it reveal itself in the text formation in scientifi c communication? It is pointed out, that there are various intellectual think styles and attitudes to knowledge verbalized in the text. This is refl ected in the text formation moduses in German, English, Russian, French languages, in the selection of regularly repeating text structures as well as language means verbalizing scientifi c knowledge.
Key words: academic style, cognitive style, norm and deviation, academic text,
monoculturalism, multiculturalism.
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3. Chernyavskaya V. E. Kommunikatsiya v nauke: normativnoe i deviantnoe. Lingvisticheskiy i sotsiokul’turnyi analiz. M.: URSS, 2011.
4. Galtung J. Struktur, Kultur und intellektueller Stil // Das Fremde und das Eigene. Wierlacher A. (Hg.). Munich, 1985.
5. Clyne M. Cultural differences in the organization of academic text // Journal of pragmatics, 11, 1987.
6. Clyne M. The sociocultural dimension: the dilemma of the german-speaking scholar // Subject-oriented texts. Ed. H. Schröder, 1991.
7. Weiss B. Stile wissenschaftlichen Denkens // Rhetorik und Stilistik. Berlin, N. Y., 2009. Vol. 2. S. 1285–1299.
Price: 50 рублей
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