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"University Research Journal" № 3, 2012

Specifi cs of Plein Air Painting in the Russian North (Arctic and Murmansk Regions). 19th – early 20th Century

V. N. Bubentsov
Price: 50 руб.
Considering the fact that a major part of Russia is located in the North, the study of the northern plein air painting is highly relevant, since currently available theoretical research by art historians and art instructors in the area of the northern plein air painting is lacking a clear focus and represents a general overview of the concept
of “plein air painting” dating back to the 13th century.
Key words: plein air, northern plein air, Arctic, Russian North, landscape, northern landscape, Murmansk, Murmansk oblast.
1. Benua Aleksandr. Moi vospominaniya. M., 1980.
2. Borisov A. A. U samoedov. Ot Pinegi do Karskogo morya: putevye ocherki khudozhnika
A. A. Borisova. SPb.: Izd. A. F. Devriera, 1907. 120 s.
3. Borisov N. P. Khudozhnik vechnykh l’dov. L.: Khudozhnik RFSR, 1983. 276 s.
4. Eynshteyn A. Sobranie nauchnykh trudov: stat’i. Avtobiografi cheskie zametki. 4-e izd.
M.: Nauka, 1967.
Price: 50 рублей
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