Tatiana V. Pankratova
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_6_135
Abstract. The article is devoted to the formation of self-presentation in older preschool
children. The author analyses psychological and pedagogical research on this issue, revealing the peculiarities of the formation of self-presentation in older preschool children. The main attention is paid to the formation of self-presentation in older preschool children, since children of this age, after a short period of time, move to a new stage of life at school. The formation of self-presentation will take place with the help of didactic games. Didactic games and exercises were developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of older preschool children. The article reveals the specifics of using didactic games and exercises with older preschool children.
Keywords: children of senior preschool age, features of self-presentation in senior preschool age, formation of the basis of self-presentation, didactic game, exercises for self-presentation
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