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Abstract. The article studies the methodology of teaching the art of solo singing in higher
educational institutions using the works of Chinese composers. The relevant tasks of modern vocal pedagogy are determined. The author describes ther tendency to overcome the inertia of curricula by introducing a new layer of musical literature and reveals the orientation of Chinese universities to optimising the educational process by updating the repertoire in accordance with the requirements of the state standards. The role of the compositions of Huang Zi and Ren Guang in the systematic promotion of the level of technical skill of vocalists is indicated. The author notes the bright figurative content and technical complexity of the vocal miniatures “Three Wishes of the Rose” and “The Light of the Fishermen”. The main methods of working on the compositions in the solo singing class are considered. The author comes to a conclusion that the unique figurative world of Chinese vocal lyrics helps to reveal the potential of students,
determining the prospects for the inclusion of Chinese songs and romances in curricula of higher educational institutions both in China and abroad.
Keywords: vocal pedagogy, methods of studying Chinese songs, Huang Zi, Ren Guang
Список источников
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