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The Scientific Opinion №6 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Mikhail A. Sitnov
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_6_113
Abstract. The article deals with the issues of attributing models of the educational information environment of distance education based on the “picture of the world” concept. It is noted that the fundamental point of the distance type of education is the ability of students to form their own personal educational information environment. At this stage of understanding the problem of psychological security, issues of personal security in interaction with an educational information environment and the use of distance education in general can be considered only as special cases of the general classification of types of security, where two of its backbone types are generic: physical and psychological ones. The main emphasis in the development of an educational information environment and distance education in general should be done on the study and creation of preventive methodological and instrumental means of ensuring safety in education, where the basic categories should be the concepts of forming a “picture of the
world”, integrity of the worldview, based on the development of the moral and psychological world of participants in the interaction of the educational information environment.
Keywords: psychological security, educational security, picture of the world, mentality,
educational information environment, distance education
Список источников
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