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The Scientific Opinion №6 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Valery V. Gut
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_6_47
Abstract. The concept of adaptive intelligence is gaining ground in psychology. However,
it is not clear why the term “adaptive intelligence” is needed, if the attribute of adaptability
already occupies an important place in the semantics of the concept of “intelligence”. This article discusses the reasons for adopting this new concept. An important step in defining the concept of adaptive intelligence is to justify the differences between practical intelligence (as a generic category) and adaptive intelligence (as its kind). Based on the ideas of R. J. Sternberg, a criterion was set to distinguish between these types of intelligence. These are situations with the task of surviving or minimising damage, which have the following features: a risk to the survival, integrity or stability of the subject, the limited time allotted by the situation conditions to solve the problem, and the demand for novelty, for creativity. The phenomenological study revealed constructs of everyday consciousness that are relevant to situations with the task of survival or minimising damage. The respondents (N = 107) were asked to read the description of problem solving in the indicated situations (12 samples), then answer questions regarding these situations. The processing of the semantic material was performed using content analysis. Based on the constructs with the highest semantic weight, the desired definition was proposed: adaptive intelligence is creativity, resourcefulness, ingenuity and skills, positively recognised by society, shown by an individual or a group in solving vital problems.
Keywords: adaptive intelligence, practical intelligence, definition, adaptation, situation,
constructs of ordinary consciousness, subjective semantics, criteria, risks, phenomenological research
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