Abstract. The article deals with the socio-religious phenomenon of pharisaism in the unity of its ethical, psychological and existential aspects. It is noted that pharisaism is a vice that distorts the moral life of a person, its essence is dogmatism, double ethics, moral absolutism and demagogy. Psychologically, hypocrisy manifests itself in a tendency to prejudice, hypocrisy, rigidity, the desire to blame the other on the basis of only external signs. In the existential sense, hypocrisy is found in the replacement of genuine religious faith with its external attributes. The authors interpret pharisaism as a perverted form of religious consciousness and compare it with genuine religiosity. Pharisaism is a vice of religious life, both individual and social. The institutionalisation of pharisaism is one of the problems of the revival of religiosity in modern Russia. The comparison of pharisaism as a personal and institutional phenomena leads the authors to the conclusion that, being a social phenomenon, it in a certain sense contributes
to the institutionalisation of the church, since it establishes formal requirements of religious worship. At the same time, pharisaism can and must be overcome in order to preserve true religiosity, living faith.
Keywords: pharisaism, religious formalism, religious faith, institutionalisation of re-
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