Abstract. The article characterises the structure of diagnostic thinking of a specialist in the process of solving professional problems. The features of this type of thinking, characteristic of educational psychologists, are outlined, the main stages of the diagnostic search are highlighted. The main strategies of diagnostic thinking used by teachers and psychologists are described – traditional, hypothetical and informative. A comparative analysis of the logic of the diagnostic search of teachers and educational psychologists is given. It is shown that teachers and educational psychologists more often use the traditional and informative strategies of diagnostic search and less often the hypothetical one. At the same time, in the process of solving diagnostic problems, teachers choose an informative strategy, while educational psychologists choose a traditional one. The choice of a specific diagnostic search strategy by specialists
depends on the availability of knowledge about the structure of the object of psychodiagnostics, as well as on the system of signs and symptoms that characterise problem situations.
Keywords: diagnostic thinking, psychological and pedagogical diagnosis, traditional,
hypothetical, informative strategies of diagnostic search
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