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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Aleksey A. Voskresenskiy, Aleksey A. Gryakalov, Vasiliy A. Rabosh, Konstantin V. Sultanov
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_4_11
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the ideological, methodological and value
dialogue between the ideas of Russian cosmism and the concepts of modern domestic education. The authors carried out a study of the semantic constants of domestic education; the analysis of their holistic combination makes it possible to understand the architectonics of education in its specificity and development. The main attention is paid to the concepts of understanding, the correlation of natural and social patterns; the concept of transpedagogy, which has already received recognition in critical literature, is introduced into the scientific context. The formation of the ideas of the philosophy of education is corrected with the development of the history of philosophy – a dialogue appears as an interaction of theoretical constructions and projected practical programmes of education and upbringing. The consideration of the ideas of cosmism
in their conceptual correlation with the philosophy of education involves the substantiation of a holistic view of the socialisation processes. Determination of semantic and pragmatic characteristics of transpedagogy, which can help to understand the heterogeneous processes of socialisation and education in a systemic integrity, makes it possible to understand the architectonics and effectiveness of domestic education in the post-global world.
Keywords: education, philosophy, life, cosmism, tradition, dialogue, event, understanding, transpedagogy, anthropology of childhood, liberal arts theorist, social sensibility, faith, life world, act, subject-witness, globalisation, autism, digital reality, responsibility
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