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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023

The concepts of singing of the founders of the modern Shen Xiang — Jin Telin Chinese vocal school

Lu Jiaying
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_73_103
Abstract. The article is devoted to the characteristics of the two fundamental directions of the modern Chinese vocal school, represented in the scientifi c, pedagogical and performing work of Shen Xiang and his student Jin Telin. Shen Xiang (1921–1993) is a famous tenor in China and abroad, who was called the Chinese Caruso. His repertoire included works in English, Italian, French, Russian and German. The singer brilliantly mastered the technique of bel canto, had a light timbre and excellent diction. Thanks to his own unique technique, he brought up a large number of famous vocalists. Shen Xiang’s student Jin Tielin (1940–2022) is of particular interest in the context of the national concept of singing. A graduate of the Central Conservatory, a soloist of the Central Philharmonic, and since 1981 a teacher at the Chinese Conservatory, he simultaneously served at various times as vice chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association, rector of the Chinese Conservatory, vice chairman of the China Scientifi c Society of National Vocal Music. Jin Tielin became famous as a vocalist and teacher, who not only raised the authority of his teacher, but also created his own vocal school with unique features.
Keywords: Shen Xiang, Jin Telin, vocal school, Chinese bel canto, national concept of
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