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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023

METHODS OF TEACHING CHORAL CONDUCTING IN CHINA (based on the works of Xian Xinghai and Huang Zi)

Zhang Yuting
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_3_128
Abstract. The article studies the specifics of the educational cycle of choir conducting in
Chinese universities, highlights the origins of the formation of the style of choral compositions by Chinese authors, analyses Xian Xinghai’s choirs “On the Taihang Mountains”, “Yellow Water Ballad” and Huang Zi’s choir “Fluttering Flag” in the aspect of pedagogical problems. The most effective methods for working on the selected works at different stages of training are revealed. The musical, stylistic, rhythm and intonation features of the choirs are indicated, the importance of the imagery of the poetic texts is emphasised. The conclusion is made about the expansion of the educational process in Chinese institutions in the field of choral conducting.
Keywords: methods of teaching choral conducting in China, Xian Xinghai, “On the Taihang Mountains”, “Yellow Water Ballad”, Huang Zi, “Fluttering Flag”
Список источников
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2. Лу Шэнсинь. Подходы китайских композиторов Хуан Цзы и Хэ Лутина к про-
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Т. 14. Вып. 3. С. 537–542.
3. Хэ Лутин. Избранные работы Хэ Лутина / на китайском языке. Гуанчжоу, 1986. 258 с.
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