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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Elena N. Romanova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_1–2_70
Abstract. The article presents an overview and analysis of foreign studies on gender
aspects of juvenile delinquency. The author differentiates the influence of victimisation of
girls and boys on the manifestation of aggression and other negative emotional reactions
in relation to peers and family members. Attention is focused on the differences in the
causes and behavioural responses to depression in boys and girls who have been subjected to abuse and violence.
Keywords: delinquency, victimisation, gender, abuse, violence, depression
Список источников
1. Hubbard D. J., & Pratt T. C. A meta-analysis of the predictors of delinquency among girls // Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 2002. № 34. P. 8–19.
2. Hay C. and Evans M. M. Violent victimization and involvement in delinquency: Examining predictions of general strain theory // Journal of Criminal Justice. 2006. № 34. P. 261–274.
3. Sigfusdottir I.-D., Farkas G., & Silver E. The role of depressed mood and angerin the
relationship between family conflict and delinquent behavior //Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2004. № 33(6). P. 509–522.
4. Sampson Robert & Kirk David & Bucci Rebecca. (2022). Cohort Profile: Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods and Its Additions (PHDCN+). Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361013986_Cohort_
(дата обращения: 28.12.2022).
5. Leve L. D. & Chamberlain P. Female juvenile offenders: Defining an early onset pathway for delinquency //Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2004. № 13 (4). P. 439–452.
6. Sullivan T. N., Farrell A. D., & Kliewer W. Peer victimization in early adolescence:
Association between physical and relational victimization and drug use, aggression, and
delinquent behaviors among urban middle school students // DevelopmentandPsychopathology. 2006. № 18 (1). P. 119–137.
7. Sharp S. F., Brewster D. & Love S. R. Disentangling strain, personal attributes affective response and deviance: A gendered analysis // DeviantBehavior. 2005. № 26 (2). P. 133–157.
Price: 0 рублей
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