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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023


Andrey A. Gribkov
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2023_1–2_11
Abstract. The article deals with the question of why general theories of systems have not taken their proper place in the process of studying and creating the world. To answer this question, the author proposes to evaluate the compliance of existing general theories of systems to a set of basic requirements, which should be met by a reliable and functional general theory of systems: universality, generality, completeness, reliability, non-triviality, certainty of connections with private theories of systems, instrumentality and formalisation.
The analysis revealed inconsistency or incomplete compliance of existing general theories of systems to the specified basic requirements. The basis for the creation of a general theory of systems, satisfying all of these basic requirements, according to the author, will be a change in the vector of knowledge underlying the general theory of systems. Supplementing exclusively epistemological methods of cognition with ontological ones, starting from a priori knowledge, will make it possible to build a more orderly and simple general theory of systems.
Keywords: theories of systems, universality, generality, completeness, triviality, instrumentality, vector of cognition
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