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Humanities and Science University Journal № 72 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2023

Characteristics of the Banpo Type of Chinese Painted Pottery of the Yangshao Culture

Zheng Qinqian
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 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_72_74
Abstract. The article analyses the distinctive features of the Yangshao Culture pottery in
the Neolithic Age, especially the characteristics of the so-called Banpo type (4900–3900
BC). The author compares the pointed-bottomed bottles found on the territory of the
ancient settlement of Banpo with similar bottles found in different parts of the world.
The production process of this type of items refl ected the desire of ancient people, based on their own experience and observations, to imitate natural forms, giving them a certain functionality that would provide the most favourable conditions for their living. It is
possible to say that the variety of forms of plastic art was determined by their purpose and functionality. The origin, development and evolution of the shape of the Yangshao Culture bottles demonstrates the process of transformation of human thinking.
Keywords: Neolithic, pottery, Yangshao, Banpo, forms, bottle
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