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Humanities and Science University Journal № 71 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Modern Trends and Problems of Performing on the Yangqing in the Musical Culture of China

Tian Qianqian
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_71_107
Abstract. The article discusses the issues of Sinicisation of performing on the yangqin
instrument. Yangqin, or Chinese cymbals, is an instrument of non-Chinese origin. Brought to China, the instrument was “Sinicised” over time, incorporated into the musical space of Chinese culture and became popular. Until the 20th century, a number of traditional stylistic schools of playing the yangqing had developed, but in the middle of the 20th century, the traditional art of playing this instrument underwent a number of transformations. The turn of the Chinese civilisation towards the development of the Western musical tradition gave impetus to the formation of Chinese musical bilingualism. The problem is that the new technique, on the one hand, expands the possibilities of the yangqin art, but on the other hand, leads to an undesirable trend: in practice, it begins to dominate over traditional techniques and styles. The author of the article notes that in the current situation, artists of music are again faced with the task of combining innovations with tradition, Sinicisation of externally perceived infl uences.
Keywords: performing on the yangqin instrument, traditional stylistic schools of yangqing
playing, musical bilingualism, Chinese musicology, interdisciplinary approach
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