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Humanities and Science University Journal № 71 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Ignaz Moscheles and His Role in the Performing Culture of the Epoch

Marina V. Smirnova, Huai Liangliang
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_71_11
Abstract. The article deals with the multifaceted creative activity of Ignaz Moscheles (1794– 1870). The fi gure of this composer and pianist, one of the greatest virtuosos of the fi rst half of the 19th century, is poorly covered in Russian musicology. Based on foreign sources, the article traces the creative path of Moscheles, from his youth in Prague and Vienna to the late period, when the musician became one of the leading professors at the Leipzig Conservatory. The article analyses the treatise “Méthode des méthodes pour le piano” (Paris, 1840), written by Moscheles together with F.-J. Fétis, summarising the experience of clavier and piano art of the late 18th century and the fi rst third of the 19th century. The creative activity of Moscheles’ outstanding students is also briefl y characterised.
Keywords: clavier, piano, performance, epoch, virtuoso, pedagogy, conservatory, method, treatise, Moscheles, Fétis
1. Кролл М. Игнац Мошелес и меняющийся мир музыкальной Европы. Вудбридж:
Бойделл Пресс, 2014. 384 с.
2. Moscheles Charlotte (Hrsg.). Aus Moscheles’ Leben. Nach Briefen u. Tagebüchern.
Bd. 1. Lpz.: Duncker & Humblot, 1872. 320 С.
3. Moscheles Charlotte (Hrsg.). Aus Moscheles’ Leben. Nach Briefen u. Tagebüchern.
Bd. 2. Lpz.: Duncker & Humblot, 1873. 364 С.
4. Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale de la musique.
Bruxelles, Lerou, v. 6. 1835–44.
5. Алексеев А. Д. Из истории фортепианной педагогики. Хрестоматия. Киев,
Музична Украина, 1974. 163 c.
6. Méthode des méthodes de piano. [François-Joseph Fétis; Ignaz Moscheles].
Перепечатка издания 1840 года, опубликованного М. Шлезингером в Париже. Описание: vii, 109, 54 с.
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