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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022


Valentina A. Plotnikova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_11_42
Abstract. The article discusses the main provisions of the philosophical anthropology of V. Voyno-Yasenetsky. The author of the article analyses the fundamental ideas of his theory, set forth in the theological treatise “Spirit, Soul and Body” – the three-part structure of man, the monistic and energetic worldview. This religious and philosophical teaching is studied in its relation to the concept of evolutionary monism proposed by V. Bekhterev at the beginning of the 19th century. The possibility of expanding the ideas about the evolutionary monistic approach to man is investigated as the main issue, taking into account the diversity of philosophical theories containing its fundamental elements. The possibilities of the synthetic approach developed by individual authors in the Russian philosophy of the late 19th century and the first third of the 20th century are presented as having a certain potential for solving topical issues of modern science and philosophy.
Keywords: evolutionary monism, monistic worldview, energetism, spiritual energy,
Список источников
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