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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

A. ZINOVIEV’S ETHICAL CONCEPT (a dedication to the 100th anniversary)

Светлана Александровна Романова
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_11_19
Abstract. The article is devoted to the memory of the famous Soviet-Russian philosopher, logician and sociologist A. Zinoviev. It provides an analysis of the basic principles of the thinker’s ethical concept. Being a sociologist, A. Zinoviev perfectly understood the enormous influence of society on the formation of a person, the dependence of his behaviour on the era in which he lives, as well as on his social environment. In addition, according to the author of the article, the moral concept of the philosopher reflects the peculiarities of the Russian people’s mentality. The particular attention is paid to the idea that underlies the ethics of the thinker – the idea of human sovereignty, the right to freedom of choice. Here is found the adherence to Berdyaev’s understanding of man as an individual. The ethical position of A. Zinoviev is that, having consciousness and will, a person can and must form his own ethical programme, whose
purpose is worthy behaviour that justifies his existence. Therefore, a person must think and act independently in any situation, choose his own line of behaviour and constantly self-reflect, but not only be guided by instructions from outside.
Keywords: ethics, mentality, reflection, personality, society, civilisation
Список источников
1. Романова С. А. Менталитет как интегральный атрибут народа // Вестник Вятского государственного гуманитарного университета. 2015. No 5. С. 6–9.
2. Гусейнов А. А. Александр Зиновьев — логик, социолог, литератор. URL: https://zinoviev.org/az/alexander/klub/sociolog-literator/ (дата обращения: 15.04.2022).
3. Зиновьев А. Иди на Голгофу // Гомо советикус. Распутье. Русская трагедия. М.: АСТ, 2011. 896 с.
4. Зиновьев А. Русская судьба. Исповедь отщепенца. М.: Канон +, 2021. 471 с.
5. Ницше Ф. Так говорил Заратустра. СПб.: Азбука-классика, 2012. 352 с.
6. Зиновьев А. Евангелие для Ивана // L’Évangile pour Ivan. Lausanne: L Age d Homme, 1984. 129 с.
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