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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022


Irina A. Medvedeva
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_10_59
Abstract. The article presents the results of studying the characteristics of attitudes towards marriage and family roles in people with a high tendency to jealousy. The study was conducted on a student sample (64 people). At the first diagnostic stage, the tendency level of the subjects to jealousy was studied, at the second stage – their ideas about marriage and family and their attitude towards the assignment of family roles. Partially, the results of the study reflect the patterns of age-related development, and they can be attributed to the features of the motivational sphere of adolescents, which are revealed through the aspect of attitudes towards family and marriage issues. On the other hand, the diagnostic data obtained show that persons with a high level of jealousy tend to prefer a traditional family model, while persons less prone to jealousy demonstrate a focus on the egalitarian family model in their answers.
Keywords: tendency for jealousy, ideas about marriage and family, goals and motives for marriage, family roles, family functions, attitude to assignment of family roles
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