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Humanities and Science University Journal № 69 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Military Censorship in Germany and Russia in 1914–1917

Yuliya N. Ustinova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_70_45
Abstract. Information is an instrument of organisation, management and infl uence, which is especially evident in times of crisis. In 1914–1917, it was printed publications that became the main source of information. The article presents a comparative analysis of the actions of the governments of Germany and Russia on working with the press during the World War I. The mechanism of interaction between the authorities and the press is considered: the duration of censorship, regulatory framework, creation of regulatory agencies, types of censorship, methods and means of work organisation.
Keywords: information, print media, censorship, military censorship, World War I, Russian Empire, German Empire
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