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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

Yang Yang’s Chamber Performance

Yaobin Ren
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_69_250
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the vocal and performing arts of modern
China. This determined the tasks of creating a brief description of the art song genre,
analysing the musical and poetic expressiveness in Zhu Jiaqi’s work “Love of the Sun and the Moon” and its performance by the outstanding Chinese tenor of the late 20th – early 21st centuries Yang Yang. The result of the study was the conclusion about the general romantic features of the singer’s manner: high emotional tone, spiritual openness, penetrating nuance of imagery. The peculiarity of Yang Yang’s interpretation lies in the refi nement and individualisation of the musical content of each section of the work with the help of a variety of vocal techniques. The scientifi c novelty lies in the fact that for the fi rst time in Russian-language musicology an example of Chinese vocal composer creativity and chamber tenor art has been introduced.
Keywords: China, professional chamber music, art song, vocal performance, tenor Yang
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Price: 0 рублей
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