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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

Sonata Form in the Piano Creativity of R. Strauss

Tian Ziyu
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_69_172
Abstract. The paper discusses the piano works of R. Strauss. The author focuses on the
characteristic features of the style and interpretation of the sonata form, using the example
of such works as the Sonata in B minor, Op. 5, and Burlesque for Piano and Orchestra. The
author of the paper comes to a conclusion that, having mastered the classical model of this
form, the composer already in his early piano works achieved freedom and ingenuity in its
use. Along with the new forms, a new musical language appeared, modern and original,
which would then be applicable in symphonic poems and operas.
Keywords: R. Strauss, piano creativity, classical sonata-symphonic cycle, sonata-allegro.
1. Ступель А. М. Рихард Штраус (1864–1949). Краткий очерк жизни и творчества.
Л.: Музыка, 1972. 94 с.
2. Краузе Э. Рихард Штраус. М.: Музгиз, 1961. 610 с.
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