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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

Chinese Romance: Historical and Cultural Parallels

Sun He
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2022_69_120
Abstract. The article is devoted to the vocal work of Chinese composers of the 20th century and examines the key transformations in the fi eld of Chinese vocal music, which began after the fundamental socio-political events in China and are associated with great political and cultural changes in the country. The article highlights in detail the problems faced by Chinese composers in the fi eld of musical style and language, associated with Western European technologies of the academic school. With the advent of Chinese composers who received musical education abroad, new vocal genres emerged, originally based on the processing of folk material. In this regard, the article draws cultural parallels in the development of romance art in the Russian and Chinese schools of composition and examines the infl uence of Russian musical culture on the development of professional music education in China.
Keywords: romance, song arrangements, vocal art, vocal creativity, composer school
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