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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022


Zhong Xinzhe
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_9_97
Abstract. Piano classes of music schools in China are mainly focused on the formation of technological skills, rather than the artistic development of students. The actualisation of the creative component in music education is connected not only with the skills of playing an instrument, but also with the type of thinking, openness and independence of judgments of a young musician. Based on this, it is important to adjust the content and methods of training. It is necessary to interest the child in playing the piano as a performing art, but not at the level of a pleasant pastime, taking into account the motivational and axiological factors of the educational process, to offer tasks in related arts, correlating them with a specific musical and technological task, to organise and conduct a variety of musical programmes outside of school, to provide students with greater freedom in choosing a repertoire. Creative thinking in piano pedagogy refers to updating and correcting the accumulated performance and methodological experience and results of work in this field, so that behaviour and reflection can meet the real needs of the development of a novice pianist. Such thinking is dominant in the adaptive behaviour of the student, and divergence acts as a method of his/her creative discovery. With the development of China’s economy and the further progress of the whole society, the demand for artistic talents will inevitably increase. And more and more attention will be paid to the creative qualities and abilities of students.
Keywords: music education in China, piano school class, creative thinking
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