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Humanities and Science University Journal № 67 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

On Key Aspects of Music Activities of Prominent Representatives of «Essipova school» G. Sharoyev and A. Birmak in the Context of Azerbaijani and Uzbek Piano Culture

Yuriy Valentinovich Bolotov
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Abstract. The paper is devoted to two very talented pupils of outstanding Russian pian- 
ist and teacher A. Essipova — G. Sharoyev and A. Birmak. The author of the paper 
highlights the value of Essipova’s heritage exemplifi ed by the activities of these musi- 
cians (in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan) which show the viable level of traditions of their 
ingenious teacher.
Keywords: piano, Essipova school, performance
1. ЦГИА СПб Ф. 361 Петроградская консерватория Императорского РМО. 
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3. Леечкис  В. В. Воспоминания. Рукопись. 20 л. // Частный  архив  С. М. Хен- 
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Ишыг, 1988. С. 14–32.
5. Бирмак А. В. В классе Есиповой // Советская музыка. 1985. № 12. С. 89–92.
6. [Отзыв  Г. Г. Нейгауза  о А. В. Бирмак]. 1 л. // Частный архив  А. В. Бирмак.
Price: 0 рублей
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