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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

The Estate Life of L. N. Tolstoy in “Yasnaya Polyana Notes” by D. P. Makovicky

Valeria G. Andreeva
Price: 0 руб.
Abstract. Based on D. P. Makovicky’s “Yasnaya Polyana Notes”, the article analyses the 
estate life of L. N. Tolstoy and his family in 1904–1910. The value of Makovicky’s notes 
is due to the fact that, along with other memoirs, they fi ll a signifi cant gap, since Tolstoy’s diaries and letters of the last years of his life do not give a clear picture of estate life. By comparing external facts and events, paying attention to them by the writer himself and his close people, as well as comparing them with Tolstoy’s moral assessments, the article shows the writer’s complex and contradictory attitude to the estate life, his understanding of the need for the evolution of estate life forms in the conditions of the new time. The article raises the problem of the crisis of the estate culture of the early 20th century, describes the position of Yasnaya Polyana during the First Russian Revolution against the background of other estates.
Keywords: L. N. Tolstoy, D. P. Makovicky, memoirs, Yasnaya Polyana, estate, land, pro- 
perty, estate culture, First Russian Revolution
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Price: 0 рублей
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