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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

Specifi city of the Artistic Image in Printed Tourism Advertising of the USSR (on the material of Intourist travel posters of the 1930s)

Dmitry B. Makeev
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Abstract. In the fi rst half of the 1920s, the course of the foreign policy of the Soviet Union was aimed at getting out of international isolation. It was impossible to overcome the economic decline, being in the ring of the foreign policy blockade. Faced with the need to attract external funding to restore the national economy, the government created State Joint-Stock Company «Intourist» (Foreign Tourist). From 1929 until the outbreak of World War II, the new organization managed to attract dozens of thousands of citizens from the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other countries to the USSR. A tourist poster turned out to be one of the effective advertising tools to promote the image of the country. The paper considers the artistic image in the thematic posters of «Intourist» in terms of its pictorial and expressive components which form the image of the country and the positive image of its people.
Keywords: travel poster; printed ephemera; posters of Intourist; “Intourist” travel company; image of the country; graphic design; export advertising
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