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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

Refl ection and Adaptation of Images and Technologies Common for the Traditional Culture of Nomadic Peoples in the Art of Contemporary Artists of Russia and China

Zhang Ying
Price: 0 руб.
Abstract. The art of nomadic peoples is not only about antiquity and the Middle Ages. It 
continues to evolve through the efforts of their representatives — contemporary artists. This process takes place among Chinese and Russian ethnic groups that once had close cultural ties with each other. Within the framework of paintings, drawings, sculptures, as well as installations and performances, artists in both countries are looking for ways to develop and update the artistic language of the traditional art, using plasticity, symbols, ornaments and basic epics as visual markers for narrating the current problems of nomadic peoples. 
Keywords: nomadic art, contemporary art, Chinese art, Tuvan art, Kalmyk art
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2015 г. между Китаем и Монголией. URL: http://www.cwn100.net/cafa/cn/fi gures/ 
article/details/818561/ (дата обращения: 11.01.2022) (张鹏:跨越草原丝路的历史 
3. Шишин М. Ю. Скульптуры Александра Баранмаа // Искусство Евразии, 2019. 
№ 3 (14). С. 210–221.
Price: 0 рублей
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