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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022


Viktoriia B. Chupina, Larisa S. Gavrilenko, Natalya V. Popenko
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_4_45
Abstract. The article deals with the influence of sexual harmony on the mutual adaptation of partners in a young married couple. Based on theoretical analysis, it has been established that the problem of sexual harmony of spouses in a young married couple is particularly relevant today. The analysis of modern scientific literature devoted to the studied problems shows that there is a confusion of concepts. The authors specify the key concept of the study — sexual harmony. The results obtained during the study showed that in order to achieve relationship satisfaction at the stage of mutual adaptation in marriage, the partners’ sexual attitudes must be in harmony. Thus, the conducted research has revealed a number of problems related to the sexual harmony of partners, and encourages the formulation of tasks and search for directions for the regulation of sexual attitudes, the need for their formation in young married couples.
Keywords: sexual health, sexual harmony, sexual attitudes, satisfaction with marriage, mutual adaptation in marriage
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