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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022


Anatoliy S. Turchin, Stanislav O. Shcherbakov
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_1–2_151
Abstract. The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at determining the
prerequisites for the formation of organisational culture among first-year students of a
military university specialising in Psychology of Service Activity. The purpose of the ar-
ticle is to consider the conditions that can change in a targeted way already during the
initial period of study. Since organisational culture is not accepted and formed by a subject simultaneously, its components can be identified and diagnosed already at the initial stage of entering the educational space of a military university. Some of these components, including communicative and cognitive ones, can create excessive adaptation difficulties for a significant part of first-year students. The authors consider difficulties in study communication and cooperation in small groups. The assessment of the level of formation of  actions in the structure of educational activities, based on solving text tasks, shows the insufficiency of their mastery as a condition for acquiring the organisational culture of the corresponding university specialty. The authors consider the prospects of realisation of the educational and didactic potential of officers of the courses participating in the organisation of independent training of cadets for training sessions in terms of accelerating the development of the communicative and cognitive components of the organisational culture of undergraduates.
Keywords: organisational culture, educational activity, adaptation, communicative activity, educational activities, goal setting
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