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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022


Tatiana S. Makarova, Eugenia E. Matveeva, Maria A. Molchanova, Elena A. Morozova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_1–2_111
Abstract. The article researches the peculiarities of teaching Russian as a foreign lan-
guage by means of project work considering levels of proficiency in Russian as a foreign
language and their subject content. The authors generally define the notion of project
work. Project work is based on the theoretical concepts of pragmatic pedagogy compris-
ing teaching via doing. The authors enumerate the objectives that are reached by teaching  general academic vocabulary while working on a project: building up communicative skills in the area of academic Russian; perfecting learners’ knowledge of Russian stylistics; boosting motivation to learn Russian as a foreign language. The authors’ own classification of projects in the area of teaching Russian as a foreign language is presented.
The authors analyse the peculiarities of interdisciplinary, philological, artistic projects,
projects on linguistic and cultural studies and on intercultural communication. Describing
each of the project types, the authors specify the project’s benefits, requirements for stu-
dents’ level of Russian as a foreign language as well as methodological recommendations for managing the project.
Keywords: foreign language level, project method, project work, Russian as a foreign language (RFL)
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