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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Life and Work of Сui Shiguan in the Framework of Development of the Piano Ensemble Genre in China

Liu Yingchen
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Abstract. The piano ensemble, as a special genre, originated in China in the middle of 
the XX century, and for half a century, it has followed a special path of development related to the historical events in the country. This paper is devoted to the overview of the life and work of the Chinese composer Cui Shiguang, who is known primarily for his piano music. Facts from his biography are given. Particular attention is paid to the factors that infl uenced the formation of Cui Shiguang’s composing style and his role in the development of the piano ensemble genre in China.
Keywords: Cui Shiguang, Chinese music, compositions for piano, piano ensemble
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8. Ли Юнь. Фортепианное творчество Ван Цзяньчжона в контексте националь-
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