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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

China‘s First Ink Wash Animation „Little Tadpoles Looking for Mama“

Wu Zijian
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Abstract. Monochromatic ink wash painting is a form of pictorial art with Chinese spe-
cifi city characteristic of Chinese art form of painting: it conveys the attributes and char-
acteristics of water, ink, and xuan paper, embodies the features of mixing ink and water, 
dry and wet, thick and liquid ink, moistened paper, the relationship of false and true, and 
other elements of pictorial style. For a long period of time, monochromatic painting has 
occupied an important place in the history of art in China, being a branch of the national 
guohua painting and one of the signifi cant components of its system. In 1960, the fi rst 
Chinese ink wash animation work, “Little Tadpoles Looking for Mama”, was created. Its 
creation demonstrated the combination of the art of animation and Chinese monochromatic painting: static ink wash painting was expressed in dynamic forms of animation. The successful emergence of this animated cartoon, recognized as a classic, marked an important milestone in the history of Chinese art.
Keywords: Chinese guohua painting, monochromatic ink wash painting, statics, dynamics, animation
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