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Humanities and Science University Journal № 65 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Panorama of Valery Arzumanov’s Chamber-Vocal Heritage in the Context of the Composer’s Style Goals

E. V. Isupova
Price: 0 руб.
The subject of this paper is the chamber-vocal music by Valery  Arzumanov, the most prominent representative of the Russian 
musicians abroad. The chronological representation of his chamber-vocal compositions testifi es to the large scale of this legacy component of the Russian-French composer. The originality of the instrumental compositions which accompany the vocal part and 
diversity of the poetic palette, combined with stylistic goals, characterize uniqueness of Arzumanov’s creative talent, which, unfortunately, is still concealed from the general musical community.
Keywords: Valery Arzumanov, Russian Musicians Abroad, style, chamber-vocal 
creativity, instrumental timbres, poetic palette.
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2. Dubinets E. Otshel’nik sovetskoy muzyki // Muzykal’naya akademiya. 2010. 
№ 1. S. 122–126.
3. Lopushanskaya E. Russkaya muzyka vo Frantsii (Beseda s kompozitorom Valer-
iem Arzumanovym) // Paris – Parizh: La France en langue russe – Po-russki o Frantsii: 
al’manakh / “La Mйmoire Objective” association culturelle loi 1901. URL: http://parij.
free.fr/04-Theatre/articles/theatre02.htm (data obrashcheniya: 23.07.2020).
4. Mnatsakanyan E. K. Valeriy Arzumanov. Put’ k sebe // Nauchno-prakticheskie 
aspekty sovremennogo khorovogo iskusstva i obrazovaniya: sbornik statey po mate-
rialam IV Vserossiyskoy konferentsii «Gertsenovskie khorovye assamblei: nauchno-
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2017 g.) / red.-sost. M. A. Rychkova. SPb.: Asterion, 2018. Vyp. 4. S. 52–58. 
5. Mnatsakanyan E. K. Valeriy Arzumanov. Russkiy kompozitor vo Frantsii // 
Muzykal’noe obrazovanie v sovremennom mire. Dialog vremen: sbornik nauchnykh 
trudov / red.-sost. M. Vorotnoy; nauchn. red. R. Shitikova. SPb.: Skifi ya-print, 2017. 
Vyp. 8. Ch. 2. S. 111–120.
6. Mnatsakanyan E. K. Khorovoe tvorchestvo Valeriya Arzumanova: k probleme 
avtorskogo stilya: dis. kand. iskusstvovedeniya: 17.00.02. SPb., 2020. 310 s.
7. Rakhmanova M. Valeriy Arzumanov. Vozvrashchenie v svoyu kul’turu // Sovet-
skaya muzyka. 1989. № 4. S. 35–38.
8. Sisauri V. Gagaku — muzyka Drevney Yaponii (kharakteristika form i zhanrov) 
// Muzyka narodov Azii i Afriki. Vyp. 4 / sost. V. S. Vinogradov. M.: Sovetskiy kom-
pozitor, 1984. S. 194–212.
9. Girard A. Dans les replis de la mйmoire. Les sonates pour piano de Valйry Arzou-
manov: essai analytique et biographique / A. Girard. Paris : L’Harmattan. 2017. 273 p.
Price: 0 рублей
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