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Humanities and Science University Journal № 64 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Cyclic Forms Used in Franz Schubert’s Minuets: Anticipation of Viennese Waltz

Guo Qing
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The paper is devoted to identifying the features of cyclicity in the collection of «20 minuets» (D. 41, 1813) by Franz Schubert. It demonstrates a number of unifying elements, such as tonal plans and common intonation formulae. The indicated signs of cyclicity will be developed by the composer in ländlers, German dances and waltzes, and later it will become the foundation of a new genre - Viennese waltz.
Keywords: Viennese waltz, menuet, Franz Schubert, Johann Strauss Sr., Josef Lanner, Johann Strauss Jr
1. Vul’fi us P. A. Frants Shubert: Ocherki zhizni i tvorchestva. M.: Muzyka, 1983. 446 s.: il., not. il., 1 l portr.; 20 sm.
2. Dams V. Frants Shubert: [1797–1828] / Per. s nem. V. E. Fermana. M.: Gos. izdvo. Muz. sektor, 1928. 199 s.
3. Ivanov-Boretskiy M. Val’sy Shuberta. Opyt stilisticheskogo issledovaniya // Stat’i i issledovaniya. Vospominaniya o nem / Sost., red. T. N. Livanova. M.: Sov. kompozitor, 1972. S. 126–142.
4. Mayler F. Iogann Shtraus / Per. s nem. V. G. Shnitke. M.: Muzyka, 1980. 71 s.
5. Meylikh E. Iogann Shtraus: iz istorii venskogo val’sa. Izd. 4-e, dop. L.: Muzyka, 1975. 208 s.
6. Gülke P. Franz Schubert und seine Zeit. Laaber-Verlag, Laaber, 1996. 399 S.
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