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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Basic Elements of Political Culture (exemplifi ed by the activity of deputies of I State Duma, Russian Empire)

V. A. Logachyov
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The paper considers one of the constituent elements of the “political culture” – the behavioral aspect - on the example of the analysis of the speeches of deputies from the State Duma of the Russian Empire P. A. Heyden, A. F. Aladin, V. D. Nabokov. The author traces the history of the term “political culture” and focuses on its relevance in the formation of political institutions. The paper reveals the relation between the theoretical model of the “political culture” and real politics. The author makes an assumption concerning the role of the behavioral aspect in modern conditions.
Keywords: political culture, mentality, behavioral aspect, the deputies of the First State Duma of the Russian Empire, model of behavior
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