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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

S. M. Lyapunov’s Art Songs in the Context of Collaborative Piano

A. V. Dyachkov, Chen Baiyu
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The paper discusses some issues relevant for collaborative pianists working on the art songs by Sergei Mikhailovich Lyapunov, a remarkable Russian composer of late XIXth — early XXthС. His reputation is associated with a number of his important compositions for solo piano, whereas his vocal pieces are obscure and practically not studied. Lyapunov’s style in his compositions for solo piano refl ects his commitment to the esthetics of Romanticism and is akin to the artistic ideals of M. A. Balakirev. To a large extent, the same applies to the piano parts in his vocal works. The paper puts forward a concept which challenges collaborative pianists, namely, that the role of the piano largely determines originality of Lyapunov’s art songs. Therefore, in the situation when S. M. Lyapunov and his work are unfairly forgotten due to various reasons, it is collaborative pianists who are more likely to take up the promotion of his vocal compositions.
Keywords: S. M. Lyapu nov, art song, chamber vocal genres, piano part, M. A. Balakirev, collaborative pianist.
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