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Humanities and Science University Journal № 63 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Emotional Expressiveness of Combined Materials in Abstract Painting

Fan Yanmeng
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Free combination of forms is very common in contemporary painting. The combination of the abstract and the fi gurative, the mix of materials, the choice of austere artistic forms, and other factors have led to the diversifi cation of modern abstract painting. Relying on the analysis of pictural materials and media, this work attempts to study the features of application and emotional expression of materials in abstract painting. In this artistic direction, the language of the material is characterized by emotionality and expressiveness. The material is the embodiment of the abstract language of a work of art, and the abstract form is manifestation of the main content, refl ection of the spirit of the contemporary art.
Keywords: material, abstract painting, carrier, emotional expressiveness, form of expression.
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